


Research Description

Our group performs research into sustainable infrastructure options.聽 This includes studying potential sustainable building materials as well as determining ways to rehabilitate existing structures in an environmentally friendly manner.

For more details on specific research topics, please refer to the Research page.


To perform research on structural elements, such as concrete beams, concrete columns, sandwich panels, and FRPs, a number of different labs are required.聽 Some are used for the manufacturing of specimens and some are used for testing.

Our group uses the following facilities to aid with our research:

  • Material Testing Lab
  • Heavy Structures Lab
  • Concrete Lab
  • Steel Structures Lab
  • Teaching Lab

Available Equipment

  • 100kN Instron Test Frame
  • 1 MN MTS Test Frame
  • 2 MN MTS Test Frame
  • 2 MN Instron Test Frame
  • Impact Testing Machine


To perform our research we use many programs to analyse our data.聽 Below is a list of useful programs that can be used to help in post or pre-processing data.

Join Us

Interested in joining our research group as a graduate student or undergraduate student?

Please contact Dr. Sadeghian and see our How to Apply page.


Team Member Email
Dr. Pedram Sadeghian pedram.sadeghian@dal.ca
Koosha Khorramian koosha.khorramian@dal.ca
Raghad Kassab r.kassab@dal.ca