

Facilities & Resources

Any problems relating to any Fountain School of Performing Arts area, security, climate, music stands, repairs, etc. must be promptly reported to the FSPA Office.

Computers for students

  • Students are not permitted to use faculty or staff computers. 
  • Use of all information technology resources owned, leased, controlled and/or operated by »ÆÉ«Ö±²¥ must follow the Acceptable Use Policy.
  • There are several computer labs for general use on Studley Campus, including in the McCain Building (2018, 2019, 2020, 2022, 2104, 3rd floor public areas), Rowe Building (3080, 4001), and learning commons areas including the Wallace McCain and the Killam Library.  Printouts are available from any of the public stations for a charge. Most of the campus is wireless, including all areas of the Arts Centre.
  • Within the Arts Centre, the Music MAC Lab is supported by »ÆÉ«Ö±²¥ ITS and is designed to serve the specific needs of students in music classes. It is available to authorized students enrolled in music degree programs and certain classes requiring specialized notation software and connected keyboards for class work. Lab privileges may be granted to others upon special request. Faculty may reserve the Lab for class purposes.
  • During Lab hours, access to the Lab is controlled by a combination code. Authorized users may obtain the code from the Fountain School Office. Authorized users are not permitted to supply the code to other students, personnel or community members. Violation of this regulation will result in loss of Lab privileges. The Lab is not monitored and therefore students are asked to report any unauthorized users to the Office. If you observe a security problem outside of office hours, please report it to »ÆÉ«Ö±²¥ Security at 494-6400 (or 4109 for emergencies).
  • As in other labs on campus, printing fees will be charged to your DalCard. You will log into the computers with your NetID. If a print job does not go through, check your DalCard balance online: . The Fountain School Office will supply paper and toner for the printer. We rely on students to advise us when supplies are running low.
  • Please remember to work respectfully in the lab, following the computer lab policies, with noise kept to a minimum (NO loud conversation, singing, playing of instruments, or use of speakers). Reasonable suspicion of a violation of the following regulations may result in disciplinary action:
  1. Computer labs are study areas. Limit your conversations and keep them quiet.
  2. Although recreational computer use is not prohibited, priority for workstation access is given to students who need the computers for academic class work.
  3. No food permitted. Drinks must be in re-sealable containers.
  4. Any material which may be considered offensive to other students is prohibited in all computer labs.
  5. Usage of computers is restricted exclusively to the software provided by »ÆÉ«Ö±²¥ ITS.
  6. Software made available for the computer lab may not be duplicated for any purposes or under any condition.
  7. Users are responsible for keeping backup copies of important files and must supply their own storage devices.
  8. Proof of permission to use the computer lab must be produced on request. Failure to do so will result in your being asked to leave the facility.
  9. Printers are for class use only. Please use double-sided printing.
  10. Cell phone: Please respect fellow students by taking cellular phone calls outside of the lab.


All students and faculty need an up-to-date DalCard to access University facilities, including the Library.  Please visit the at 6230 Coburg Road (Howe Hall) to obtain your new card or renew your old card.  Any new faculty who do not yet have their employee number should see Tatjana Vukoja before attempting to get a DalCard.  *Please note that you must bring 1 piece of photo ID with you in order to obtain your card*


Students can sign up for lockers by request at the Fountain School Office. Music lockers are located on the 1st and 2nd floors of the Arts Centre. Theatre lockers are located on the 1st floor (Technical students) and Dunn backstage area (Acting students). Acting students must clean out lockers by the end of the school year to accommodate summer dance classes.  Music students must advise the Office by April 1 by e-mail to performingarts@dal.ca if you would like your locker renewed for the upcoming year.  After these deadlines, locks will be cut and personal belongings will be removed.

Fountain School Office access

The Fountain School Office is open Mon-Fri from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. Students are asked to make every effort to attend to academic business during these hours. Staff who may be working after hours will not permit student entry except in case of emergency. 

For security reasons, students are not permitted beyond the counter. Exceptions are made for those on official student society business or student employees of the School.

Faculty may access the office any time during building hours. Please see the Secretary to obtain keys. No access to staff workspaces is permitted.


  • The FSPA Office copier/printer/fax/scanner is for use only by faculty members, staff, and students on student society business. 
  • Photocopiers are available in the Killam Library and at Campus Copy in the Student Union Building. Copyright regulations must be observed.
  • Materials for class use are the responsibility of the Instructor. Students may NOT be sent by the instructor to make photocopies of class materials.
  • Professors are encouraged to use the Brightspace learning management system for online posting of class materials. Faculty support is provided by the Instructional Tech team, a part of the Academic Technologies Services (ATS) group within the »ÆÉ«Ö±²¥ Libraries. Phone 902-494-3456 or email intech@dal.ca. For more information please visit .

Music practice rooms

  • Music practice rooms are located on the 2nd floor of the Arts Centre. Entrance into the Practice Room area requires access permissions via your Dal Card. If you need access and your card does not work, please notify the Fountain School Office or email performingarts@dal.ca. If you don't have a DalCard, visit Get My Dal ID Card. Practice rooms are available only to students enrolled in Music degree programs, taking an applied instrument or voice as an elective, or involved in our ensembles. Practice time is available on a first come, first serve basis.
  • Other students and community musicians (minimum age level: Senior High School) may apply for permission at the Fountain School Office. These applicants will be given a Pass Card for a 4-month (1 semester) period. Such cardholders understand that they must vacate the practice room when it is required by music students, who shall have the right to make such a request when circumstances so require, such as during exam and jury times. The Practice Rooms are available to community members after 5:00 pm on weekdays and all hours on weekends.
  • Other Fountain School classrooms and rehearsal spaces have their own weekly schedules and must be booked through the Fountain School Office. See Room Bookings.
  • No instruction or coaching for remuneration shall be given by students, graduates or professional musicians not on the staff of the Fountain School, in any space of the Arts Centre controlled by the Fountain School, without the written consent of the School Director.

Public areas

The lobby, hallways, stairwells and Sculpture Court areas of the Arts Centre are under the jurisdiction of the Arts Centre Office. These areas may not be used for any activity without the permission of that office. Students are not permitted to perform, rehearse, or gather noisily in these areas during the academic year.  

Room bookings, keys, use of instruments and equipment

  • Please note that all Fountain School spaces are dedicated to class-related use by students, faculty, and staff only. Should you wish to use spaces for any non-class-related purpose, you must request permission to do so. Unfortunately, not all requests can be accommodated. For those that can be accommodated, rental fees may apply.
  • »ÆÉ«Ö±²¥ has introduced a new rooms booking software to be used by faculty for all Fountain School spaces.  Faculty may log in to to view available spaces. Faculty please note that access to this system is tied to your employment contract, so PT faculty have access only from September 1 to April 30.  Faculty may submit booking requests at this site OR you may email performingarts@dal.ca. Students must email for booking requests. For urgent bookings, please visit the Fountain School Office during business hours Monday to Friday. Emailed requests submitted late in the day will not be reviewed until the following business day.
  • Key deposits of $80/each are required for any key signed out to students and a key loan request form must be filled out and signed. Teaching studio keys will only be supplied with written permission of the instructor. KEYS ARE NOT TO BE LOANED TO OTHER STUDENTS OR FACULTY WITHOUT PERMISSION OF THE OFFICE.
  • Rooms must be left tidy with pianos closed (and covered if applicable), audio visual equipment and lights turned off/out, and doors locked. Please stack chairs and put away music stands after use.
  • Pianos may be used with permission. NO PREPARING OF PIANOS is permitted without prior approval. DO NOT USE PIANOS AS TABLES!
  • No use of audio visual systems or other equipment is permitted without approval.
  • No food or drink in classrooms or rehearsal rooms.

Safety / Security

Covid-19: Visit »ÆÉ«Ö±²¥â€™s web information for the latest updates. Information specific to the Fountain School will be communicated regularly.

DalSAFE is »ÆÉ«Ö±²¥â€™s integrated safety messaging system.  The DalSAFE mobile app helps students, faculty, staff, and community members stay connected with safety and security information, including Campus Alerts for significant campus closures, major hazards, and other urgent events affecting the university across multiple platforms: DalSAFE app notifications, text message (by subscription), your Dal email, the dal.ca website, and Dal’s Twitter accounts.

Of particular note for performing arts students, faculty, and staff who are often working on campus after hours, there is a Work Alone feature that allows you to check in when you’re working in a specific space and to alert Security if you don’t check out.

  • Download the DalSAFE app for notifications about safety/security on campus and access to services including mobile blue light (to contact Dal Security in the event of a serious incident), Tiger Patrol information, campus maps/parking, and more.
  • Look for DalSAFE Campus Alerts in your dal.ca email, on the dal.ca website, on Dal’s social media feeds and as push notifications from the DalSafe mobile app.
  • You can also receive DalSAFE Campus Alerts via SMS text message — sign up to subscribe.

If you have questions about the DalSAFE system, email dalsafe@dal.ca or visit the .

Arts Centre Access: The »ÆÉ«Ö±²¥ Arts Centre is a public building, which means that many people have access from early morning until late at night. These are your facilities, so please help protect them by observing the following policies.

  • Don’t Share the Codes!. Door codes are changed each term by Fountain School staff.  Students enrolled in Fountain School Degree Programs and those students taking applied study (voice or instrument) as an elective may obtain the codes from the Office. Codes are NOT to be shared with non-FSPA students or any other members of the public.  Do not write codes on walls or doors or post on social media.  If you are approached by someone asking for the codes, direct the person to the FSPA Office.
  • Don’t Share Keys or Unlock Doors for others! Keys signed out to faculty or students are NOT to be loaned to others.  Rooms are to be used ONLY by those who have officially booked the room.
  • Do not prop open doors without the permission of the FSPA Office.  If you find a door propped open, please close it and report the incident to the Office.
  • Lock rooms:  If you are the last person to leave a classroom or rehearsal room, please ensure that lights are turned off and the door to the classroom is locked upon exit.
  • Report problemsPlease report any suspicious persons or activities to the FSPA Office. After hours please report any incidents to »ÆÉ«Ö±²¥ Security:
    General enquires - 494-6400
    Emergencies - 4109 (from any university office phone), 494-4109 (from any university pay phone or residence)

Student study areas

Study carrels are located on the 4th and 5th floors of the Arts Centre. These areas are for quiet study. Students are not permitted to practice music, rehearse theatre scenes/monologues, or gather noisily. Please do not remove chairs from the study carrels.