

European Studies Approved Classes

Note: Students should note that some classes may have prerequisites or other departmental restrictions, and some classes may not be offered in every year.
Other Classes, not on this list, may be appropriate. Please consult an ES Advisor.

Approved Classes

All classes

Religious Studies

  • .03: Judaism, Christianity & Islam
  • .03: Gods, Heroes & Monsters I
  • .03: Gods, Heroes & Monsters II
  • .03: Christianity
  • .03: Nature, the Human, Community and the Divine in the Pre-Modern West
  • .03: Paganism
  • .03: Magic Religion and Philosophy
  • .03: Philosophy and God
  • .03: Catholicism
  • .03: Philosophy on Trial
  • .03: Gods, Beasts and the Political Animal
  • .03: Medieval Church
  • .03: Meetings Between Hellenism, Judaism and Islam until the Renaissance
  • .03: Medieval Philosophy from Augustine to Anselm
  • .03: Medieval Philosophy from Arabic and Jewish Thinkers to Aquinas
  • .03: Augustine鈥檚 Confessions I
  • .03: Augustine鈥檚 Confessions II
  • .03: St. Augustine on the Trinity Part II
  • .06: Neoplatonism
  • .06: Medieval Interpreters of Aristotle

Contemporary Studies

  • .03: Wagner
  • .03: Narrative and Meta-Narrative
  • .06: Science and Culture
  • .03: Wittgenstein
  • .03/CTMP .03: The Holocaust
  • .03: Studies in Contemporary Social and Political Thought in the 20th Century.
  • .06: Deconstruction
  • .03: Freud, Lacan and the Critique of Psychoanalysis
  • .03: French Feminist Theory
  • .03: Contemporary Social and Political Thought

Early Modern Studies
All classes


  • .03/HIST 2064.03: Early Modern Economic History
  • .03: Euros and Cents: From Common Market to European Union
  • .03: European Economic History


  • .03: British Literature to 1800
  • .03: British Literature after 1800
  • .03: Arthur
  • .03: Sampling Medieval Literature
  • .03: Short Poems in English
  • .03: Literature, Health and Healing
  • .03: The Short Story
  • .03: Mystery and Detective Fiction
  • .03: Literature and Propaganda
  • .03: Images and Texts
  • .06: Shakespeare
  • .03: Gothic fiction
  • .06: Fictions of Development
  • .03: Tragedy
  • .03: Satire
  • .03: Foundation of Science Fiction
  • .03: Tolkien: Fantasy and Medievalism
  • .03: History of Literary Criticism
  • .03: Contemporary Critical Theory
  • .03: Canterbury Tales
  • .06: Old English
  • .03: Introduction to Nordic Saga
  • .03/.03: Renaissance Poetry and Culture I/II
  • .03: Renaissance Drama
  • .03: English Poetry and Prose, 1660-1740
  • .03: Poetry and Prose, 1740-1789
  • .03: English Drama, 1660-1800
  • .03: English Fiction to 1820
  • .06: Literature of the Romantic Era 1789-1832
  • .03: Victorian Poetry
  • .03: 19th Century Fiction from Austen to Dickens
  • .03: 19th Century Fiction from Dickens to Hardy
  • .03: British Literature of the Earlier Twentieth Century
  • .03: British Literature of the Later Twentieth Century
  • .03: The Modern Theatre 1: Realism and Responses
  • .03: The Modern Theatre 2: High Modernism
  • .03: Nabokov

Note: Fourth year seminars in English change from year to year. For classes appropriate for European Studies please consult the European Studies coordinator.

All classes (except classes on linguistics, and on Quebec, Acadian and other non-European francophone literature and culture)

Gender and Women's Studies

  • .03: Making Gender: Male and Female from Antiquity to Mary Wollstonecraft.
  • .03: Witchcraft in Early Modern Europe
  • .03: Sex and Gender in Reformation Europe
  • .03: French Women Writers
  • .03: Recent French Feminist Theory
  • .03: Literary Women of French Classicism

All classes


  • .03:聽Europe: Before the French Revolution, and :03: Introduction to Europe: French Revolution to the Present (Can also be taken as .03 and .03 to fullfill the Writing Requirement)
  • .03: Early Medieval Europe
  • .02: Later Medieval Europe
  • .03: Europe 1400-1559
  • .03/.03: The Atlantic World
  • .03: European Military History 1550-1750
  • .06: Early Modern Europe, 1450-1650
  • .06: Imperial and Soviet Russia
  • .03: Soviet Russia
  • .03: Imperial Russia
  • .06: Germany in 19th and 20th Centuries
  • .03: 20th Century Germany
  • .06: Modern France
  • .03: France from the Revolution to the Great War
  • .06: Origins of Modern Italy
  • .03: Civilization of Baroque Italy
  • .03/.03: Early Modern Economic History
  • .03: 20th Century Europe in Literature, Art and Film
  • .06: Themes in British History
  • .03: Medieval England
  • .03: Tudor and Stuart England, 1485-1689
  • .03: Modern Britain to 1884
  • .03: Modern Britain from 1884 to present
  • .03: History of the Scottish People
  • .03: Medieval Church
  • .03: England in later middle ages
  • .03: Renaissance and Reformation Europe
  • .03: Pre-Industrial European Society
  • .03: Sex and gender in Reformation Europe
  • .06: Culture and Behaviour in France 1550-1750
  • .03: French Revolution
  • .03: The First World War
  • .03: Europe and World War II
  • .06: National Socialist and Fascist Movements
  • .03: Holocaust
  • .03: Urban Europe 1850-1950
  • .03: Russian Society
  • .03: Russian Topics
  • .03: History of Ideas in Russia
  • .03: Tudor History
  • .03: Stuart History
  • .03: English Civil War
  • .03: English Family
  • .03/.03: Topics in the Social and Cultural History of England
  • .03: England 1867-1914
  • .03: Britain in the Age of the First World War
  • .03: Britain from Second World War to Thatcher
  • .03: Advanced Seminar in British History
  • .03: Medieval Civilization
  • .03: Topics in the Civilization of Baroque Italy
  • .03/.03: Soviet History Seminar
  • .03: English Civil War
  • .03: Topics in Early Modern English History
  • .03/.03/.03: Advanced Seminar in Baroque Culture
  • .03: Britain, Appeasement and the Origins of World War II

Italian Studies
All classes


  • .03: Music Theory I
  • .03: Music Theory II
  • .03: Music History I
  • .03: Music History II
  • .03: Music Theory III
  • .03: Music Theory IV
  • .03: Music History III
  • .03: Music History IV
  • .03: Women, Gender and Music
  • .03: History of Opera
  • .03: Form and Analysis
  • .03: Chamber Music Literature
  • .03: The Piano and its Literature
  • .03: Early Music Analysis
  • .03: Late 19th Century Chromaticism
  • .03: Music since 1945
  • .03: Narrative Strategies in Nineteenth-Century Music
  • .03: Opera Studies
  • .03/.03/.03: Advaned Seminar in Baroque Culture


  • .03: History of Philosophy I
  • .03: History of Philosophy II
  • .03: Existentialism
  • .03: Kant
  • .03: 19th Century Philosophy
  • .03: Modern Philosophy
  • .03/.03/.03: Topics in the History of Philosophy

Political Science

  • .03: Crisis and Consent
  • .03: Revolution and Rationality
  • .03: European Politics
  • .03: Politics of the European Union
  • .03: Political Philosophy of Plato
  • .03: Machiavelli
  • .03: Liberalism

Russian Studies
All classes

Spanish and Latin American Studies

  • .03: Evolving Spain: History, Culture, Society
  • .03: Catalan Language and Culture
  • .03: Hispanic Identities through Film
  • .03: Translation
  • .03: Traducci贸n
  • .03: Advanced Spanish I
  • .03: Advanced Spanish II
  • .03: Spanish Phonetics and Pronunciation
  • .03: Evolution of Spanish
  • .03: Contemporary Spanish Literature
  • .03: Intro to Spanish Literature


  • 03: Classical Theatre
  • .03: Early Modern Theatre
  • .03/.03/.03: Advanced Seminar in Baroque Culture

Approved Classes with some European content (please consult European Studies Coordinator)


  • .03: The Firm in the International Environment


  • .06: History of Economic Thought
  • .03: Economic Growth in Historical Perspective


  • .06: Music and Cinema


  • .03: Philosophy of Art
  • .03: Philosophy in Literature
  • .03: Theories of Feminism
  • .03: Post-Modern Philosophy

Political Science

  • .06: Comparative Politics
  • .03: History of Political Thought I
  • .03: History of Political Thought II
  • .03: Introduction to World Politics
  • .03: Introduction to Foreign Policy
  • .03: European Politics
  • .03: Politics of the European Union
  • .03: Politics of Climate Change
  • .03: Contemporary Political Thought
  • .03: Storm and Stress
  • .03: Democratic Theory
  • .03: Politics through Film and Literature
  • .03: International Political Economy
  • .03: The European Union as a Global Actor
  • .03: Treaty Reforms in the European Union

Sociology and Social Anthropology

  • .06: Family in Comparative Perspective
  • .03: Knowledge, Work, and Culture in the Contemporary World
  • .03: Ethnicity, Nationalism and Race
  • .03: History of Sociological Thought


  • .06: Film Study
  • .06: Film Genres
  • .06: History of Musical Theatre
  • .06: Modern Theatre
  • .06: Playwright in the Theatre
  • .03: Gender in Theatre: A Cross-Cultural Survey
  • .03: Contemporary Theatre