

Volume XXIV (December 2006)

Table of Contents

Sarah Klitenic Wear - Oral Pedagogy and the Commentaries of the Athenian Platonic Academy                                         

Tyler Young - Perceiving Parmenides: A Reading of Parmenides of Elea’s Philosophy by way of the Proem                    

Jean-Marc Narbonne - Plotinus and the Gnostics on the Generation of Matter (3 [II9], 12 and 51 [I8], 14)                   

Julien Villeneuve - Bonheur et vie chez Plotin, Ennéade I.4.1–4        

Adam Labecki - The One and the Many: Part I: The One 

Martin Sastri - The Influence of Plotinian Metaphysics in St. Augustine’s Conception of the Spiritual Senses

James Lawson - In quo inquit, adprehendam Dominum… Plotinian Ascent and Christian Sacrifice in De ciuitate Dei 10. 1–7

Martin Achard - Philoponus’ Commentary on Posterior Analytics, I.1, 71a17–b8. A Translation.                                

Rebecca Coughlin - Theurgy, Prayer, Participation, and Divinization in Dionysius the Areopagite

David Puxley - The Role of the Human in the Procession and Return of the Cosmos from Plotinus to Eriugena      

Daniel F. Wilband  - Much Ado about Nothing: A Note on Trouillard’s Use of Proclus