

Debany Fonseca Batista

Research Associate

email: dfonsecabatista@dal.ca
campus location: SOSB Rm. 2-32

Educational Background

  • Postdoctoral Fellow, 黄色直播, NS, Canada (2018)
  • PhD in Chemical Oceanography, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium (2017)
  • MSc in Oceanography and Marine Environments, University Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris 6, France (2012)
  • MSc in Environmental Sciences and Engineering, University Denis Diderot, Paris 7, France (2010)
  • BSc in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University Denis Diderot, Paris 7, France (2008)

Research Interests

  • Development of Ocean Technical Capacity with African Nations (DOTCAN)
  • Biological dinitrogen (N2) fixation
  • 15N-N2 Analysis
  • 13C-HCO3- Analysis
  • Diazotrophs community composition


Deman F, Fonseca-Batista D, Roukaerts A, Garc铆a-Ib谩帽ez M I, Le Roy E, Thilakarathne E P D N, Elskens M, Dehairs F, Fripiat F. 2021.听Nitrate Supply Routes and Impact of Internal Cycling in the North Atlantic Ocean Inferred From Nitrate Isotopic Composition. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 35 (4)

Fonseca-Batista D, Li X, Riou V, Michotey V, Deman F, Fripiat F, Guasco S, Brion N, Lemaitre N, Tonnard M, Gallinari M, Planquette H, Planchon F, Sarthou G, Elskens M, LaRoche J, Chou L, Dehairs F. 2019. Evidence of high N2 fixation rates in the temperate northeast Atlantic. Biogeosciences. 16 (5).

Tang W, Wang S, Fonseca-Batista D, Dehairs F, Gifford S, Gonz谩lez AG, Gallinari M, Planquette H., Sarthou G., Cassar N. 2019. Revisiting the distribution of oceanic N2 fixation and estimating diazotrophic contribution to marine production. Nature Communications. 10 (1).

Sarthou G, Lherminier P, et al. 2018. Introduction to the French GEOTRACES North Atlantic transect (GA01): GEOVIDE cruise. Biogeosciences. 15 (23).

Lemaitre N, Planchon F, Planquette H, Dehairs F, Fonseca-Batista D, Roukaerts A, Deman F, Tang Y, Mariez C, Sarthou G. 2018. High variability of particulate organic carbon export along the North Atlantic GEOTRACES section GA01 as deduced from 234Th fluxes. Biogeosciences. 15 (21).

Li X, Fonseca-Batista D, Roevros N, Dehairs F, Chou L. 2018. Environmental and nutrient controls of marine nitrogen fixation. Progress in Oceanography. 167.

Fripiat F, Declercq M, J Sapart C, G Anderson L, Br眉chert V, Deman F, Fonseca-Batista D, Humborg C, Boukaerts A, Semiletov I, Dehairs F. 2018. Influence of the bordering shelves on nutrient distribution in the Arctic halocline inferred from water column nitrate isotopes: Nitrate isotopes in the Arctic Ocean. Limnology and Oceanography 63 (5).

Fonseca-Batista D, Dehairs F, Riou V, Fripiat F, Elsken M, Deman F, Brion N, Qu茅rou茅 F, Bode-Dalby M, Auel H. 2017. Nitrogen fixation in the eastern Atlantic reaches similar levels in the Southern and Northern Hemisphere. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 122 (1).

Riou V, Fonseca-Batista D, Roukaerts A, Biegala I, Prakya S, Loureiro C, Santos M, Mu帽iz Piniella 脕, Schmiing M, Elskens M, Brion N, Martins A, Dehairs F. 2016. Importance of N2 -Fixation on the Productivity at the North-Western Azores Current/Front System, and the Abundance of Diazotrophic Unicellular Cyanobacteria. PlosOne. 11 (3).

Fripiat F, Elskens M, Trull TW, Blain S, Cavagna A-J, Fernandez C, Fonseca-Batista D, Planchon F, Raimbault P, Roukaerts A, Dehairs F. 2015. Significant mixed layer nitrification in a natural iron-fertilized bloom of the Southern Ocean. Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 29 (11).

Bode M, Hagen W, Schukat A, Teuber L, Fonseca-Batista D, Dehairs F, Auel H. 2015. Feeding strategies of tropical and subtropical calanoid copepods throughout the eastern Atlantic Ocean - Latitudinal and bathymetric aspects. Progress in Oceanography 138.

Dehairs F, Fripiat F, Cavagna A-J, W Trull T, Fernandez C, Davies D, Roukaerts A, Fonseca-Batista D, Planchon F, Elskens M. 2015. Nitrogen cycling in the Southern Ocean Kerguelen Plateau area: Evidence for significant surface nitrification from nitrate isotopic compositions. Biogeosciences. 12 (5).