

Internal Deadline (Application): International Development Research Centre

IDRC is providing preliminary information on this anticipatory funding opportunity to allow applicants time to prepare their applications. The funding opportunity is anticipated to be launched on February 23, 2024. Through the anticipatory call, up to 15 successful teams will be invited to submit full proposals in September 2024.

This anticipatory funding opportunity will involve a two-stage process. In the first stage, interested applicants will be required to submit a Letter of Intent (LOI). This stage requires applicants to complete an eligibility checklist and upload supporting documents. Only applicants who are successful at the LOI stage will be invited to submit a full technical proposal.

Full proposals will solicit submissions for the first cohort of research projects that integrate implementation and gender-transformative research and that lays the foundation for sustainable and systems-level changes. The ANSRHRA initiative will prioritize projects that address the following five priority areas of SRHR:

  • improving access to family planning and contraceptive services
  • expanding access to safe abortion where legally permitted and post-abortion care
  • upholding SRHR rights and ensuring access to services for adolescents
  • preventing and improving services for people experiencing sexual and gender-based violence
  • strengthening advocacy for SRHR

Project teams can not be led by Canadian-based researchers but must include a Canadian-based researcher as a co-principal investigator. 

Internal Deadline: March 21, 2024 at 4:30pm. Contact email is ird@dal.ca

Funder Deadline: April 5, 2024 at 11:59pm. Contact email is SRHR-SDSR@idrc.ca
