

Procedures for the Department Course Verification Process


  1. The Banner Data from Administrative Computing and the Registrars’ Office are downloaded to the CLT database.
  2. The data are divided into Departments and sent to the appropriate department for the DCVP to be completed.
  3. Liaison or departmental designates complete the DCVP using a template provided by the CLT.
  4. The Departments send the data files back to CLT electronically in the template provided.
    NOTE: The template cannot be adjusted as this template is designbed specifically to beÌý downloaded into BLUE.
  5. Timelines are decided at the beginning of each semester and depend on the Last Drop Date and the Last Class Date as outlined in the University Calendar.
Banner data contain the information for the student, course, and instructor files. The DCVP identifies courses that are organized or offered by the Host Department. The information is provided in a template sent to each department. The information is sent back to the CLT electronically in a template provided and is loaded into the BLUE system. Ìý


Choosing which courses to ‘Switch On or Off’ during the DCVP

Year-long courses XY

The challenge is to make sure that these are evaluated at the appropriate time.

  1. If there is one instructor this course has to be Switched Off for the Fall semester but should be Switched On in the Winter semester.
  2. If there are two instructors – one in the Fall and one in the Winter – then both instructors need to be evaluated and it should be left Switched On.

Cross-listed courses

  1. The Host Department should be established (this is not indicated in Banner). That is, the department responsible for organizing the course, regardless whether the instructor is employed by the host department, is responsible for whether the course will be evaluated.
  2. The Host Department provides the name, number and section of the cross-listed course(s) including the course(s) and departments to which it is cross-listed.
  3. The Non-host Department should not switch off Ìýthe cross-listed course during their DCVP.
    NOTE: These guidelines ensure that the course will not be switched off by either department.
    IMPT: If the either department switches off a cross-listed course, the students registered through that department will not receive evaluation emails.

Team taught courses

All instructors may not be listed as the Instructor of Record on the Banner feed. These individuals may full-time or part-time »ÆÉ«Ö±²¥ employees. ÌýThe information about who is teaching these courses needs to be added to the template to be evaluated through BLUE.

Teaching Assistants and Graduate Students

A course that is taught by a graduate student who is responsible for the planning, delivery, and student grading of a course, but may not be the Instructor of Record may be included in BLUE if indicated through the DCVP.

Teaching Assistants who are only responsible for a part of the planning, delivery, and student grading of a course and are not the Instructor of Record will be evaluated by the host department process unless otherwise indicated through the departmental course validity check.


Not all departments request to have their TA’s evaluated through BLUE. If we do not receive the information during the DCVP then the course will not be evaluated. If the tutors are not listed in the instructor list then the Instructor of Record will receive more than one email to be evaluated for this course. If the TA’s name was listed as an instructor he/she will receive an invitation to the Question Personalization (QP). ÌýThis is also why some course instructors received multi-emails regarding their course QP.

Service Courses

A course hosted by one department that is offered to, and in which students have registered from, other departments. ÌýAll departments that have students registered should Switch On this course.