

Danny MacDonald


B. Sc. Honours Thesis

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The Wickwire pegmatites are located Port Joli Harbour, approximately 28 km southeast of Liverpool, Queens County, Nova Scotia. These pegmatites form a series of semi-parallel veins and dykes, which vary in thickness from about 5 cm to 1 m. Devono-Carboniferous monzogranites of the Port Mouton pluton are the main host rocks of these pegmatites.

Zonation of these dykes is chemical, mineralogical, and structural. The Wickwire pegmatites are different from most pegmatites in the region because they contain beryl and rarely have aplitic material in the core zones. The zonation results from the dual nature of the pegmatite; the border and wall zones are of an igneous origin, whereas the core is of a hydrothermal origin.

This thesis uses techniques such as petrographic microscopy, fluid inclusion analysis, X-ray fluorescence, X-ray diffraction and electron microprobe analysis to solve the problems of zonation of an origin of the Wickwire pegmatites.

Pages: 99
Supervisor:D. Barrie Clarke