

Karen McNulty


B. Sc. Honours Thesis

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Comparison of two distinct tailings piles from two separate periods of operations, reveals that they are similar in mineralogy and lithology. The proportions in which the minerals and lithic fragments are present, differs significantly. The dominant minerals and lithic fragments depends upon the type of material that was mined on the two sites.

Ilmenite, magnetite, and pyrrhotite found within the slates and metagreywackes of this district contribute to the magnetic signature of the rocks.

Fine gold, observed in the tailings of one pile;

  1. Reflects the original grain size of the gold. and/or
  2. Is a result of physical breakdown.

The source of this fine gold is thought to be quartz veins and/or metagreywackes.

Ilmenite found in metagreywackes is the dominant black heavy mineral at this gold mine and is found as discrete grains and at various stages of alteration.

Pages: 89