

Greg Dwyer


B. Sc. Honours Thesis

Petrology of the Mulgrave Lake Adamellite Pluton

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The Mulgrave Lake Pluton, a small granitic body in Eastern Nova Scotia, was examined. The rock was found to consist of a medium to coarse grained granitic assemblage of quartz, potassic feldspar, plagioclase, biotite and muscovite. Modal analysis revealed the rock to be an adamellite in composition~ A detailed petrographic and microprobe study was conducted on the various mineral phases present; they were found to be similar to those of the adamellites associated with the South Mountain Batholith to the southwest. Chemical data revealed that the pod is essentially an undifferentiated body. Although CIPW normative calculations revealed the pod to be peraluminous andalusite was not observed in the sections. It was deduced that hydrothermal fluids may have altered the existing andalusite to plates of muscovite, Grains of niobian rutile, a member of the rare solid solution series rutiletapiolite, were observed for the first time in the granites of Nova Scotia.

Pages: 57
Supervisor: D.B. Clarke