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Sakshi Jeswani: My Summer Internship with DeepSense

Posted by Toni Beaton on October 31, 2022 in Students, News

Sakshi Jeswani is a second-year student in the Master of Information program here at SIM. This past summer, Sakshi completed a three-month internship with DeepSense. I had the pleasure of interviewing Sakshi to share more about her internship experience, her roles and responsibilities, and her tips for first-year students contemplating their own internships.

Please tell us a bit about your internship with DeepSense. What drew you to choose an internship with this company? What were your main responsibilities?

I applied for the Data Readiness program offered by DeepSense. They have a student pool in which they invite students to submit their resumes, and they have different companies with different projects which are assigned to students according to their capabilities and interest. I applied in that program, and I went home because I had given up on getting an internship in the summer! When I was at home, I ended up getting a call for the interview, and I gave the interview from my home. I was selected for the AI and Machine Learning intern position and flew back to Halifax to start the internship. I got to see my family, and I also got to do the internship!

It was an internship with a company calledÌýGlobal Spatial Technology Solutions. It was machine-learning work; the project was predicting the estimated time of arrival for the vessels considering weather variables. The vessels coming to the port need to have an assigned place on the port. Some vessels book their port in advance by entering the incorrect time of arrival. The project was an extension to the current ETA model the company has. I used different machine-learning models to predict the time of arrival. Most of the work was exploratory data analysis (EDA). I was new to the ocean sector and didn’t know anything about it! My supervisors were really helpful, and helped me throughout the project. We found many things that needed to be removed from the data sets, so there was a lot of data filtering that needed to happen to make the model more accurate. The models that I used were Linear Regression, GLM, Random Forest, and XGBoost (different machine learning models) to understand which model fits best with the data.

How did the work in your internship connect to what you learned in the first year of your MI degree?

One day, the CEO of the company (Global Spatial Technology Solutions) called me, and I had a meeting with him. I told him about all the courses I’m taking and planning to take at SIM. I think that was a major contributor to getting the part-time work that I have with the company. I also think I got the internship because of the Data Science course that I took with Dr. Philippe Mongeon. There was a final project in that course that I did, and that’s the project that I showed them in the interview. I think they were really impressed, because they were also using R (a programming language), which was what I learned from my course.

INFO5590 was also helpful. I took the Business Analytics course (INFO6513 with Dr. Colin Conrad) and it has a bunch of helpful technologies that we learned throughout the course. I learned Tableau in that course; because of which, I got a practicum with Dal Analytics! In my resume, I added all of technologies I learned in INFO6513, which was very helpful [in gaining my internship].

What would you say was the most rewarding part of your internship?

I cannot describe how helpful the supervisors were, and are now as well! I got to learn a lot from them, because they have been working in the industry for so long. I am getting transferred to a GIS project and it will be very helpful for me to gain practical industry knowledge along with taking the GIS course with Jennifer Grek Martin.

Congratulations on your offer of employment with DeepSense! What will your main roles and responsibilities be?

Right now, I am still completing the project that I started in my internship. The internship time was three months which was less according to the project requirements. It will go until the end of October; in November, they will transfer me to another project. The company deals with spatial data and the project involves building maps. One of my supervisors is a GIS data scientist, so I am learning from the course and then applying it as well.

Looking forward after graduation, are you hoping to stay in Halifax and find full-time work? What would be your ideal job after graduation?

I think I’ll stay in Halifax, but it also depends on the job profile that I get. I might also move, but I’m not sure about it yet. I want to work in the data science field. But, taking the GIS course, I’m building my interest towards GIS! I’d love to do a combination of both.

Lastly, what advice would you offer first-year MI students considering a potential summer internship?

I would suggest starting early and building connections. LinkedIn helps a lot in connecting with people working in the same industry. Janet helps in getting the practicum which could help build connections for your internship. I would like to say to anyone considering an internship: I believe that things fall in place.

SIM sends congratulations to Sakshi on the successful completion of her internship, and subsequent job offer from Global Spatial Technology Solutions!
