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Grad profile: A leader grows as a learner

Posted by Suzanne Bowness on October 21, 2021 in Alumni & Friends

Joe Collura says his career advancementhappened in tandemwithhis progress throughɫֱ’sMaster of Business Administrationwith specialization inFinancial Services. When you considerthathis currentroleisvicepresident ofstrategicpartnerships for multinational bank JP Morgan Chase & Co., it seems that the degree has had a positive impact. Responsible for managing the bank’sstrategicchannel partnerships in Canada, Collura leads a team ofvicepresidentsand works closely with other top executives.

Already entrenched in his profession,Collurafoundtheflexibility of theblended/online MBA programwas a real drawgiven his need to balance a busyworkand family life with moving his education forward.“The way the programisbuilt was perfect. It allowedme to learn what I needed,andtoallocatetherequiredtimebecausethe course content, deliverables and online sessions were providedin advance.It was very convenient,” says Collura.He also enjoyed the intensivein-person learning unitsas aplatform for bringing the subject mattertogetherand aculmination of the course. “Therewasalwaysgood dialogue.Being able to process the course material with otherclassmatesandwitnesstheir struggles and strengths, was invaluable.”Collura’stwofavourite courseswereStrategicLeadershipand Changeand InternationalBusiness,bothhighly relevant to his role.

Dedicated to the banking field, Collura started his career with 11 years at RBC,where he heldvariouspositions as anindividual contributor as well as managementroles, which spannedsales,operations andemployeedevelopmentleadership. He then shifted to the Bank of Montreal for four years before movingto MeridianCredit Union, where he took on even more focused rolesas a senior manager leading various strategic initiatives in bothbusinessbankingandretaillending.

Collurawas at Meridianwhenstarted the MBA in 2016. He recalls thathe immediatelystarted toapply skills and especially new ways of thinkingfrom his coursesdirectly to his work.Those overarching themesfrom the MBAincluded embracinga data-driven approach, andfocusing onrelationship buildingas a route to success ineverything from international business to organizational strategy. “TheMBAreally helped expand mythoughtprocess and approach.I'm thankful for that,” he says.

WhatCollura lovesabouthis fieldisthe opportunity to help others, both as aleaderand in terms of the clients he serves. “I am grateful for the opportunityto developand guide.Thisalsoextendstobusiness ownersand a consultative approacharound payment acceptance,whichnot onlyhelpsaddress immediate needs butalsointroduces new ideas and concepts toexpand their business,” he says.

While Collura is alreadyat a senior levelin his career, he says he can still see himself movingup as anexecutive. Even though the road ahead is even more challenging at this level, he says that working his way through theMBAhelped prepare him. “It really willbe aculmination of all the thingsI was luckyenough to learn along the way:I need tocontinue tobe thoughtful in the wayIam communicating, mindful in how I’m presenting business cases,and diligent inrepresentingdata-driven decisionsin a way that resonates.The MBA hasexpanded my mindset, introduced me to new concepts andhelpedstrengthenmy engagement at alllevels,” he says.