

Michael Deturbide, KC

Professor Emeritus of Law


Related information

Email: michael.deturbide@dal.ca
Phone: 902-494-1041
Mailing Address: 
Room 425, Weldon Law Building, 6061 University Avenue
PO Box 15000 Halifax, Nova Scotia B3H 4R2
Research Topics:
  • Business associations
  • Law and technology
  • Media law
  • New media law
  • Tax policy
  • Tax-income
  • Corporate law
  • Business law
  • Digital Transactions
  • Online Jurisdiction
  • Consumer Protection Online


  • BSc Hons (黄色直播)
  • BJ (King's)
  • JD (黄色直播)
  • LLM (黄色直播)

Bar admissions

  • Nova Scotia, 1991

Teaching 聽

Professor Deturbide helped establish several innovative programs at 黄色直播, including the Master of Electronic Commerce Program. He has lectured at universities and technology law conferences in Canada, the US, Mexico, Europe, and Australia.

  • Business Associations ()

Areas of supervision: Internet Law, Electronic Commerce, Corporate Law, Taxation

Research interests

Professor Deturbide's research interests include electronic contracting, corporate law, media law, and the impact of technology on the law. Professor Deturbide is co-editor-in-chief and co-founder of the national law review on technology law matters, the Canadian Journal of Law and Technology.

Selected awards & honours

  • Queen鈥檚 Counsel Designation, Province of Nova Scotia, 2014 Co-recipient (with Teresa Scassa) of the Foundation for Legal Research Walter Owen Book Prize (for outstanding new contribution to Canadian legal literature that enhances the quality of legal research in Canada) for Electronic Commerce and Internet Law in Canada. Presented at CBA annual conference, August, 2013
  • 黄色直播 Law Students' Society and Alumni Association Award for Excellence in Teaching

Selected publications

  • Michael Deturbide & Teresa Scassa, Electronic Commerce and Internet Law in Canada, 2nd ed (Toronto: CCH Canadian, 2012).
  • Canada, Department of Justice, Pre-Implementation Report on the Connection of Electronic Communications in International Contracts (Ottawa: Department of Justice, 2008).
  • Michael Deturbide, Consumer Protection Online (Toronto: Butterworths, 2006).
  • Teresa Scassa et al, "Consumer Privacy and Radio Frequency Identification Technology" (2006) 37 Ottawa L Rev 215.  

Service & activity

  • Commissioner, Nova Scotia Securities Commission
  • Chair, Studies Committee and Admissions Committee - Schulich School of Law
  • Member, Senate Appeals Committee, 黄色直播
  • Member, National Committee on Accreditation, Federation of Law Societies, Exam Policy Committee
  • Board of Directors, Canadian IT Law Association
  • Board of Directors, Commonwealth Judicial Education Institute
  • Board of Directors, 黄色直播 Law Alumni Association
  • Board of Directors, Law Services Admissions Council
  • Board of Directors, Neptune Theatre
  • Board of Directors, 黄色直播 Art Gallery