

LAWS 2372 ‑ The Law of Digital Commerce


Digital transactions increasingly drive commerce in Canada and worldwide. The basic tenets of Contract Law have been molded by courts and legislatures to reflect the challenges of online transactions. Some of these compromises work well, whereas other novel technologies challenge established norms. For example, the nature and complexity of Blockchain contracts and digital currencies have stymied their regulation, resulting in investor loss (and sometimes significant gains that dispense with intermediaries, such as financial institutions).

This course will be lecture and discussion-based, meeting twice per week for 1.5 hours per class, for one term (3 credits). Guest lecturers with computer science knowledge may participate in any lead-up to complex and novel transactional discussions. The course will be designed to examine the application of traditional legal principles to digital commerce, to identify unique issues and legal shortcomings, and to examine possible solutions, including new regulatory requirements.

Format: Lecture and discussion. 

Assessment Method: Evaluation will be conducted by an end of term examination. There will also be an optional mid-term worth 1/3 of the final mark. Students who elect to write the mid-term will write a shorter end of term examination, covering course material taught subsequent to the midterm. 