

Healthcare Policy

Team Leader - Dr. Nichole Austin

Nichole Austin

"Quantifying policy effects is challenging in the presence of contemporaneous trends and effect heterogeneity, but it is incredibly important to understand how policies shape health outcomes (and inequities)."

Current projects:

  • Making the most of Canada's "natural laboratory": advancing difference-in-differences methods for unpoolable data
  • Primary care reform and medication appropriateness for seniors: A comparative study of two provinces
  • Supply-side abortion restrictions and their impact on US abortion rates and provider availability
  • Understanding the impact of first-dollar IVF coverage in the Canadian context
  • Optimizing Canadian protocols for medical management of miscarriage and abortion

Recent publications:

  • Strumpf E, Austin N, Lang A, Derksen S, Bolton J, Brownell M, Chateau D, Gregory P, Heaman M. The effects of early pregnancy loss on health outcomes and health care utilization and costs. Under review.
  • Austin N, Guay H, Martin M, Strumpf E. Regard sur l鈥檜sage des m茅dicaments en soins et services de premi猫re ligne au Qu茅bec chez les personnes 芒g茅es inscrites 脿 un m茅decin qui pratique en GMF : polypharmacie, prescription potentiellement inappropri茅e et effets ind茅sirables des m茅dicaments de 2005-2006 脿 2017-2018. Under review.
  • Strumpf E, Lang A, Austin N, Derksen SA, Bolton JM, Brownell MD, Chateau D, Gregory P, Heaman MI. Prevalence and clinical, social, and health care predictors of miscarriage. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. 2021;21(1):1-9.
  • Austin N, Harper S. Quantifying the impact of targeted regulation of abortion provider laws on US abortion rates: a multi-state assessment. Contraception. 2019 Nov 1;100(5):374-9.
  • Austin N, Harper S. Constructing a longitudinal database of targeted regulation of abortion providers laws. Health Services Research. 2019 Oct;54(5):1084-9.
  • Carabali M, Austin N, King NB, Kaufman JS. The Zika epidemic and abortion in Latin America: a scoping review. Global Health Research and Policy. 2018 Dec;3(1):15.
  • Austin N, Harper S. Assessing the impact of TRAP laws on abortion and women鈥檚 health in the USA: a systematic review. BMJ Sexual and Reproductive Health. 2018 Apr;44(2):128-34.
  • McAlpine L, Austin N. Humanities PhD graduates: desperately seeking careers? Canadian Journal of Higher Education. 2018;48(2):1-9.
(Refer to my for a full list of publications)