

Rajasekaran R. Lada

Professor Emeritus and Founding Director, Christmas Tree Research Centre (Retired)

Raj Lada profile pic


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Email: raj.lada@dal.ca
Phone: 902.893.6216
Mailing Address: 
Cox 326, 50 Pictou Road
PO Box 550, Truro, Nova Scotia
Canada B2N 5E3
Research Topics:
  • Environmental Sciences, Environmental Stresses & Crop Adaptation
  • Horticultural Science and Global Agro-ecosystems
  • Plant Science
  • Plant, Tree, Seed and Ecophysiology
  • Environmental Stress physiology and Metabolism - Ecochemicals
  • Plant growth and development
  • Hormonal physiology and signals
  • Photosynthesis and water relations
  • Plant Physiology
  • Innovative Products and Technologies
  • Vertical Farming Technologies
  • Plant communication
  • Ecological Agriculture Systems
  • Post-harvest physiology
  • Plant hormones and growth regulators
  • Ecophysiology


  • B.Sc. Horticulture (Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, India)
  • M.Sc. Agriculture (Horticulture) (Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, India)
  • Ph.D. (University of Adelaide, South Australia)
  • PDF (University of Toronto, Canada)
  • U.M.C (CHERD, University of Manitoba, Canada)

Research Interests

Professor Lada’s research is focused on Seed, Plant, Tree, Stress and Ecophysiology of various horticultural ecosystems (vegetables, fruits, siliviculture, medicinal aromatic plants, spices and plantation crops). Research is geared towards addressing various research needs and providing new knowledge and innovative solutions and technologies to edible horticultural industry, Christmas tree industry, maple industry and controlled environment production systems, regionally, nationally and globally through multidisciplinary collaborative research teams.

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Selected Publications ( in the last 5 years – Out of 94).

  • MacDonald, G.E, Rajasekaran L.R., Caldwell, C.D., Udenigwe, C., and MacDonald, M. 2019. Lipids and fatty acid changes are linked to needle abscission in postharvest balsam fir. Journal of Plant Growth Regul. (Accepted; revised manuscript submitted).

  • Jose, S., and Rajasekaran L.R. 2019. Marker-trait Association for postharvest needle retention/abscission in balsam fir (Abies balsamea). Plant Breeding. (Accepted for Publication – In Press).
  • Rajasekaran L.R., Maijers, W., and Nieboer, S. 2018. Innovative Indoor Horticulture Systems for 21s Century. Current Investigations in Agriculture and Current Research. 4. 1-5 (ISSN 2637-4676).

  • Ernest A. KorankyeRajasekaran R. Lada, Samuel K. Asiedu and Claude Caldwell. 2018. Mechanical shaking and bailing of balsam fir trees influence postharvest needle senescence and abscission. American Journal of Plant Sciences, 9, 339-352.

  • MacDonald M.T. and Rajasekaran L.R. 2018. Seasonal changes in soil and tissue nutrition in balsam fir and influence on postharvest needle abscission. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 33; 426-436.

  • MacDonald, M.T., Rajasekaran L.R., 2017. Changes in endogenous hormone levels explains seasonal variation in balsam fir needle abscission patterns. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation DOIhttps://doi.org/10.1007/s00344-017-9676-8.

  • Thiagarajan A, Rajasekaran L.R, MacDonald MT. 2016. Environmental and hormonal physiology of postharvest needle abscission in Christmas trees. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences 36 (1): 1-17. [open access] –published.

  • Rajasekaran, L.R., Thiagarajan, A., Havard, A. 2016. Postharvest needle abscission responses of balsam fir (Abies balsamea L) to foliar application of naphthalene acetic acid. Acta Hortic. 1119; DOI 10.17660/ActaHortic.2016.1119.14

  • MacDonald MT, Rajasekaran LR. 2016. Differences in dehydration rate and ability to rehydrate in contrasting needle abscission resistant genotypes. Scientia Horticulturae.211: 391-398.

  • MacDonald MT, Rajasekaran LR, West RR, Nelson KL. 2016. Xylem-fed maple sap affects balsam fir needle abscission and water loss in spring and autumn. Dendrobiology. 76: 157-164.

  • MacDonald MT, Rajasekaran LR, Veitch RS. 2016. Seasonal changes in balsam fir needle abscission patterns and links to environmental factors. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research. doi: 10.1080/02827581.2016.1235726.

  • MacDonald MT, Rajasekaran LR, West RR. 2016. Physiology of postharvest needle abscission in balsam fir: water quality. Acta Hort. 1119:111-120.

  • Thiagarajan A, Rajasekaran L.R., Pepin S, Forney C, Desjardins Y, Dorais M. 2016. Vulnerability of Low Temperature induced Needle Retention in balsam fir (Abies balsamea L.) to Vapour Pressure Deficits. Scand J. of Forest Res. [ 

  • Rajasekaran L.R, Thiagarajan A, Hayward* A.2015. Postharvest needle abscission responses of balsam fir (Abies balsamea L.) to foliar application of naphthalene acetic acid. Acta Hort 1119:105-110.

  • Thiagarajan A, Rajasekaran L.R, MacDonald MT. 2016. Environmental and hormonal physiology of postharvest needle abscission in Christmas trees. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences 35: 1-17.

  • MacDonald MT and Rajasekaran L.R. 2015. Understanding the physiology of postharvest needle abscission in balsam fir. Frontiers in Plant Science. 6:1069

  • MacDonald MT, Rajasekaran L.R. Veitch RS. 2014. Linking certain physical characteristics with postharvest needle abscission resistance in balsam. J. Appl. Hort. 16:1.

  • Veitch, R., Rajasekaran, L.R., Adams, A., MacDonald, M. 2014. Carrot yield and quality as influenced by nitrogen application in cut and peel carrots. Communication in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. DOI: 

  • MacDonald MT and Rajasekaran L.R. 2013. Biophysical and hormonal changes linked to postharvest needle abscission in balsam fir. J. Plant Growth Regul. DOI 10.1007/s00344-013-9409-6.

  • MacDonald MT, Rajasekaran L.R., Veitch RS, Thiagarajan A, Adams AD. 2013. Postharvest needle retention of balsam fir is modified by harvest date. Can. J. For. Res. 44:1394-1401.

  • Thiagarajan, A., Rajasekaran L.R. , Sivakami M., and  Adam, A. 2013. Agroclimatology-Based Yield Model for Carrot Using Multiple Linear Regression and Artificial Neural Networks. Agronomy J. 105: 863-873.

  • Thiagarajan, A., Rajasekaran L.R., Peppin, S.,  Forney, C., Desjardins, Y. Dorais, M., 2013. Temperature and photoperiod influence postharvest needle retention of selected balsam fir genotypes by modulating ABA levels. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation 32:843-851. 

  • Pan, X., Caldwell, C.D., Falk, K.C., Rajasekaran L.R. 2012. The effect of cultivar, seeding rate and applied nitrogen on Brassica carinata seed yield and quality in contrasting environments. Can. J. Plant Sci. 92: 9610971. 

  • MacDonald, M.T., Rajasekaran, L.R., Martinenko, A., Dorais, M., Pepin, S.,Desjardins, Y. 2012. Is there a link between ethylene evolution, ethylene sensitivity and needle abscission in root detached balsam fir. Acta Hort. 932: 405-412. 

  • Thiagarajan, A., Rajasekaran L.R. 2012. Cold acclimation influence postharvest needle retention in root detached Balsam fir. Acta Hort. 932: 371-378. 

  • MacDonald, M.T., Rajasekaran, L.R., Doris, M., Pepin, S. 2012. Influence of humidity and temperature on postharvest needle abscission in Balsam fir in the presence and absence of exogenous ethylene. Hort Sci. 47: 1332-1332. 

  • Thiagarajan, A., Rajasekaran, L.R., Adams, A. 2012. Ecophysiological characteristcs of two carrot cultivars in response to agro-ecological factors and nitrogen application. Photosynthetica 50: 282-290.

  • Thiagarajan, A., Rajasekaran L.R., Peppin, S., Forney, C., Desjardins, Y. Dorais, M., 2012. Characterization of phytohormonal and postharvest senescence responses of balsam fir (Abies balsamea (L) Mill.) exposed to short-term low temperature. Trees 26: 1545-1553

  • MacDonald M.T., Rajasekaran L.R., Dorais M, Pepin S. 2011. Endogenous and exogenous ethylene induces needle abscission and cellulase activity in postharvest balsam fir (Abies balsamea L.). Trees 25: 947-952

  • Veitch, R., Rajasekaran L.R., Mason M.T. 2012. The influence of Light Emitting Diodes (LED) on post-harvest needle abscission in balsm fir. International Journal of Applied Agriculture 14 (1). 

  • MacDonald MTRajasekaran L.R. Veitch RS. 2014. Linking certain physical characteristics with postharvest needle abscission resistance in balsam. J. Appl. Hort. 16:1.

  • Veitch, R., Rajasekaran, L.R., Adams, A., MacDonald, M. 2014. Carrot yield and quality as influenced by nitrogen application in cut and peel carrots. Communication in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. DOI: http://www.tandfonline.com/action/showCitFormats?doi=10.1080/00103624.2014.880713.

  • MacDonald MT and Rajasekaran L.R. 2013. Biophysical and hormonal changes linked to postharvest needle abscission in balsam fir. J. Plant Growth Regul. DOI 10.1007/s00344-013-9409-6.

  • MacDonald MTRajasekaran L.R., Veitch RS, Thiagarajan A, Adams AD. 2013. Postharvest needle retention of balsam fir is modified by harvest date. Can. J. For. Res.(In Press).

  • Thiagarajan, A., Rajasekaran L.R. , Sivakami M., and  Adam, A. 2013. Agroclimatology-Based Yield Model for Carrot Using Multiple Linear Regression and Artificial Neural Networks. Agronomy J. 105: 863-873.

  • Thiagarajan, A., Rajasekaran L.R., Peppin, S.,  Forney, C., Desjardins, Y. Dorais, M., 2013. Temperature and photoperiod influence postharvest needle retention of selected balsam fir genotypes by modulating ABA levels. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation 32:843-851.

Selected awards and honours

  • »ÆÉ«Ö±²¥, Faculty of Agriculture, Experienced Faculty Research Excellence Award
  • NSAC Research Excellence Award
  • CFI Research and Development Award
  • Scientific Advisor, Agricultural Green Technologies, Republic of South Korea
  • Advisor to Deputy Prime Minister, Royal Government of Cambodia
  • University of Adelaide Research Fellow


  • Member, American Society of Horticultural Science
  • Member, International Society of Horticultural Science
  • Member, Agrologists Institute of Nova Scotia

Service and Activity

  • Project Director – Agri-Education for Extension Project ACCC/CIDA
  • Project Missions – Tanzania, Cambodia, Gambia
  • Member, Academic and Research Planning Committee, Faculty of Agriculture
  • Member, »ÆÉ«Ö±²¥ Vision 2020 Rapid Task Force