

Integrating Livestock into Organic Production

Practical Resources

  • [PDF - 206 kB]
    • OACC. 2006
    • ATTRA. 2014
    • eOrganic. 2013
    • Prairie Organics: Think Whole Farm Recorded Presentations. 2016

Scientific Results

    • Animal (2017) 11:1839-1851
    • Organic Agriculture (2014) 4: 63-77
    • Organic Eprints. 2006
    • Soil and Tillage Research (2013) 134: 133-141
    • Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems (2013) 28: 129-144
    • Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems (2015) 30: 503-514
    • Organic Eprints. 2014
    • Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment (2016) 218: 141-149
    • Journal of Sustainable Agriculture (2011) 35: 376-393
    • Organic Eprints. 2005
    • Canadian Journal of Plant Science (2011) 91: 811-824
    • Agronomy Journal (2015) 107: 104-112
    • Annals of Applied Biology (2007) 150: 107-113
    • Organic Agriculture (2013) 3: 183-199
    • Animal (2014) 8: 1218-1228
    • animal (2012) 6: 1722-1730

    • Journal of Sustainable Agriculture (2010) 34: 821-835
    • Sustainable Agriculture Research (2015) 4: 103-115
    • Sustainable Agriculture Research (2015) 4: 51-59
    • Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems (2013) 28: 173-182
    • Agronomy for Sustainable Development (2013) 33: 593-608