

Organic Pepper Production

Scientific Results

    • HortScience (2006) 41: 1402-1407
    • Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture (2012) 92: 2409-2415
    • Scientia Horticulturae (2014) 166: 97-104
    • Environmental Entomology (2012) 41: 612-620
    • Soil and Tillage Research (2016) 163: 243-254
    • HortTechnology (2016) 26: 191-198
    • HortScience (2015) 50: 1694-1701
    • Applied Soil Ecology (2013) 63: 67-77
    • Weed Technology (2011) 25: 459-465
    • Scientia Horticulturae (2013) 150: 259-266
    • Acta Horticulturae (2008) 782: 223-228
    • HortScience (2010) 45: 352-358