


Innovative and sustainable production of organic fruits and vegetables

Fresh fruits and vegetables are an important market opportunity for Canadian organic producers, with a higher percentage of horticultural producers likely to produce organically than any other crop category. The need for varieties appropriate for low-input organic production systems, and the need for holistic and sustainable management strategies for organic fruit and vegetable crops grown both in the field and under shelter, are thus priorities for the Canadian organic sector.

The Research Activities within this theme aim to advance organic production practices for fruit and vegetable growers while emphasizing environmental and production sustainability. Specifically, they will examine:

  • The development of new vegetable varieties specifically suited for organic production.
  • Advancing organic vegetable production through the use of organic vertical farming, greenhouses, and nutrient management planning.
  • The optimization of holistic production systems for organic production of lettuce, berries, and grapes.

Activity 11 – Participatory variety trialing and breeding for commercial organic vegetable growers and seed producers in Canada.

Activity 12 – Development of an organically managed baby greens production system: a multidisciplinary approach.

Activity 13 – Organic vertical farming (OVF) vs. smart use of greenhouses.

Activity 14 – Improving organic vegetable farm sustainability through enhanced nutrient management planning.

Activity 15 – Unique cover crops, rootstocks, and irrigation techniques for Canadian vineyards.

Activity 16 – Physical control of pests and increasing the harvesting season via an innovative high tunnel adapted to organic berry farming, rain shelter and insect proof nets.