

Previous Award Recipients

Young Alumni Achievement Award

The Young Alumni Achievement Award recognizes the outstanding achievements of聽Faculty of Agriculture alumni aged 40 and younger. Alumni are recognized for truly outstanding achievement that may have earned them regional, national or international prominence through service to humanity, in their profession and/or volunteer organizations, through community service, the advancement of knowledge and service to the faculty.

Mullaivannan Manoharan 2023
Ryan Barrett 2022
T.J Harvey 2021
Carolyn Wilson
Chris Oram
Sam Bourgeois 2017
David Simmons* and Sara Howe 2016
Cedric MacLeod 2015
Philip Keddy
Audrie-Jo McConkey
Mary McPhee
Mark and Sally Bernard 2011
Patricia Bishop 2010
Oliver Browning 2009
Sarah Turner 2008
Trevor Dillman 2007
Steve Reeves 2005

Alumni Volunteer of the Year

The Alumni Volunteer of the Year Award honors a volunteer, who has consistently and enthusiastically donated of their time and talents to advancing the objectives of the university and/or the Alumni Association and with whose support has significantly enhanced the success of various programs.

Dr. Kim Cogswell 2023
Valerie Carmichael 2022
Geneve Newcombe 2021
Andrew Lake
Rayanne Frizzell
Ken and Teresa Mellish 2017
Greg Coldwell 2016
*Dr. Helene Van Doninck 2015
Peter Corey
Anna Fitzgerald
Arnold Hagen
Kara Irving 2011
Jean Lynds 2010
Robert Murray 2009
*Phil Stead 2008
Dwane and Debbie Mellish 2007
Sherry Porter 2006
Dale Ells 2005

Distinguished Alumni Award

The Distinguished Alumni Award is the Faculty of Agriculture's most prestigious award, recognizing truly outstanding service and commitment to the faculty, industry and the Alumni Association. Nominees must have distinguished themselves in their area of expertise, bringing honor to the university. Nominees will have provided a positive role model for the faculty and agriculture and made a significant contribution to the industry through teaching, research, industry, extension, production or to society in general.

Bloyce Thompson 2023
Charles Keddy 2022
Niki Jabbour
*Donald Cameron
John Tait 2018
*Dr. Les Haley 2017
David Thompson 2016
Eric Jennings 2015
*Dr. Garth Coffin
Gabriel Comeau
Peter Clarke
*Arch Cook 2011
*William Swetnam 2010
Charlie Embree 2009
Dr. Robert Gordon 2008
Dr. Harold Cook 2007
Alton McEwen 2006
Arnold Rovers 2005
John Harvie 2003
Jack Johnson 2002
Byron Beeler 2001
*Richard James Huggard 1999
*James R. Wright 1998
Dr. Murray F. McLaughlin 1997
*Dr. J. Clifford McIsaac 1996
Dr. Roger. B. Buckland 1995
*Harold L. Chute 1994
*Brigadier General - Courtney S. Gilliatt 1993
*Dr. Kenneth Cox 1991
*Dr. Herbert F. MacRae 1990

*Indicates previous Blue & Gold Award recipient is now deceased (updated July 2023). Our condolences to their friends, families and former classmates.