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Consultation for Discovery Frontiers Theme Suggestions

Posted by Suman Jha on June 27, 2016 in Announcements

NSERC is preparing to launch a fourth Call for Proposals as part of the Discovery Frontiers initiative. We would like to offer you the opportunity to suggest topics or themes for this call. Feel free to consult with your peers in this regard over the coming months. Background material and a template for submitting your suggestions is enclosed.  

Discovery Frontiers (DF) grants are initiatives that identify and capitalize on emerging opportunities where Canada can benefit from its world-class capacity to take a leadership role in key areas of research and innovation. Discovery Frontiers address national research priorities and global challenges by supporting a small number of major new transformative and integrative activities. These initiatives will generate substantial impact from a one-time injection of funding for a defined period, addressing challenges and seizing leadership opportunities in areas of national importance. The Discovery Frontiers grantees are awarded $1M per year for four years. For more information about this program please visit the on the NSERC website.

You have until August 15th, 2016 to submit any topic suggestions for the fourth DF Call of Proposals. Please forward your suggestions using the to: FRONTIERS@NSERC-CRSNG.GC.CA .

We will collate all the suggestions received and the final ranking of those suggestions will be completed by the Committee on Discovery Research during their next meeting in November.

Thank you in advance for your contribution.