BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//Office of Research Services (ORS)//Events Calendar//EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20241019T034017Z DTSTART:20240923T193000Z SUMMARY:Deadline: Early Stage Commercialization Fund DESCRIPTION:The Early Stage Commercialization Fund (ESCF) helps Nova Scotia university\, college and university-affiliated hospital researchers bring their innovations to market and explore entrepreneurial opportunities.\nESCF offers support in the following ways:\n\nFunding – up to $50\,000 in non-dilutive\, non-repayable funding per project to advance research and intellectual property out of Nova Scotia universities and other research institutes (including Nova Scotia Health) to market\nSupport for Advancing Technologies – assists projects that have achieved proof-of-concept\, identified a large market opportunity\, and have potential for industry partnerships or investment\nTechnology Transfer – accelerates technology transfer activities in Nova Scotia post-secondary institutions and enables projects to move closer to industry collaboration or a spin-out opportunity\n\nEligible applicants are Nova Scotia university and college faculty members\, staff and clinicians within university-affiliated hospitals.\nFor complete program details including the application form\, please visit here.\n \nInternal Deadline: September 23\, 2024 at 4:30pm.\nFunder Deadline: October 7\, 2024 URL:/dept/research-services/about/Deadlines%20and%20Events/2024/10/07/deadline__early_stage_commercialization_fund.event.html/showing0.html UID:/dept/research-services/about/Deadlines%20and%20Events/2024/10/07/deadline__early_stage_commercialization_fund/_jcr_content/contentPar/dcalfacultyevent.event.html/showing0.html END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR