BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//Office of Research Services (ORS)//Events Calendar//EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20241019T053257Z DTSTART:20240918T200000Z SUMMARY:Deadline: Mitacs Globalink Research Internship DESCRIPTION:Mitacs Globalink Research Internship is a competitive initiative for international undergraduates from the following countries and regions: Brazil\, Chile\, China\, Colombia\, France\, Germany\, Hong Kong\, Mexico\, Pakistan\, Saudi Arabia\, South Korea\, Taiwan\, Tunisia\, Ukraine\, United Kingdom and the United States. From May to October of each year\, top-ranked applicants participate in a 12-week research internship under the supervision of Canadian academic institution faculty members in a variety of academic disciplines\, from science\, engineering\, and mathematics to the humanities and social sciences\nInterns receive:\n\nA 12-week internship that increases your knowledge of and explores hands-on research in your field of study\nA matched project with a Canadian professor and university\nFunding to contribute to the round-trip airfare to Canada (amount varies depending on country of origin) and transportation from the airport in Canada to accommodations\nStipend for living expenses\, student enrollment fees\, and incidentals (amount varies depending on country of origin)\nSupport from student mentors on campus in Canada\nRegistration for industry events and professional development courses\n\nThe full call for student applications is available here.\n \nContact Details\n\nInternal:\nExternal:\n\nDeadlines\n\nInternal: N/A\nExternal: September 18\, 2024\, at 1 p.m. Pacific Time\n \nThe grants facilitator for your faculty can be found on the staff contact page. For additional resources\, click here for guidance on internal deadlines and submission processes. URL:/dept/research-services/about/Deadlines%20and%20Events/2024/09/18/deadline__mitacs_globalink_research_internship.html UID:/dept/research-services/about/Deadlines%20and%20Events/2024/09/18/deadline__mitacs_globalink_research_internship/_jcr_content/contentPar/dcalfacultyevent.html END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR