BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//Centre for Learning and Teaching//Events Calendar//EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20241019T035140Z DTSTART:20241104T170000Z DTEND:20241104T190000Z SUMMARY:Mental Health 101 - Recognizing and Responding to Students in Distress (online) DESCRIPTION:Monday\, November 4\n1-3 p.m.\nOnline via Microsoft Teams\nRegister for the November session\nFacilitators\nJoanne Mills\, Psychologist\, Student Health & Wellness\, and two Stay Connected Peer Support workers (who are students themselves).\nThe MH101 session is limited to faculty\, instructors\, and staff at »ÆÉ«Ö±²¥ and King's.\nIn any given year 1 in 5 Canadians will experience a mental illness\, and according to Statistics Canada youth aged 15-24 are the most likely group to suffer the effects of a mental illness\, substance dependency and suicide. Considering most university students are within this age group it is essential that those working with University students are provided the necessary knowledge and resources to recognize and respond to students in distress.\nMH101 is a short yet informative presentation developed for university faculty and staff to increase awareness and understanding of mental illness and mental health problems\, thus increase your confidence in supporting students. \n*Please note that the B400 classroom is in the basement of the Killam Library. We are aware of\, and apologize for\, the accessibility barriers associated with this room. If you require the use of an elevator to reach this room\, one of the CLT staff will have to access the elevator with you\, using their key card. Please let us know in advance so that we can facilitate a smooth and timely transition to the basement.\nWe also ask that participants be respectful of those with significant allergies and avoid wearing perfume\, aftershave\, cologne\, and highly scented hairspray\, soaps\, lotions\, and shampoos. URL:/dept/clt/events-news/Calendar%20of%20Events/2024/11/04/mental_health_101___recognizing_and_responding_to_students_in_distress__online_.html UID:/dept/clt/events-news/Calendar%20of%20Events/2024/11/04/mental_health_101___recognizing_and_responding_to_students_in_distress__online_/_jcr_content/contentPar/dcalfacultyevent.html END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR