BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//Centre for Learning and Teaching//Events Calendar//EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20241019T013809Z DTSTART:20241029T133000Z DTEND:20241029T150000Z SUMMARY:The Resilient Classroom Series: Navigating the Emotional Labour of Teaching DESCRIPTION:Tuesday October 29\n10:30 a.m.-12 p.m.\nKillam Library\, Room B400 (basement)\nRegister for the event\nBack by popular demand: the Navigating the Emotional Labour of Teaching workshop! “Emotional labour” is a term that was first coined by sociologist Arlie Russell Hochschild in 1983 to describe the process of managing outward expressions of feelings to fulfill the emotional requirements of a job. It involves wearing a “mask” that requires the suppression of negative emotions and the display of only positive emotions\, regardless of how you actually feel. Consider a time when you received negative news and then had to teach ten minutes later or when you had to hide your frustration while telling the tenth student\, “Check the syllabus!” Performing emotional labour can lead to lower job satisfaction and burnout (Humphrey\, 2021). In this in-person workshop\, you will:\n\nLearn what emotional labour looks like in the context of teaching and its associated impacts.\nBe introduced to a set of strategies to redirect the energy and efforts used for emotional labour toward effective pedagogy and instructor self-care.\nReflect upon your own experiences with emotional labour in your teaching. Group sharing is welcomed\, but not required.\n\nFacilitator\nDaniella Sieukaran\, Senior Educational Developer (Curriculum)\, Centre for Learning and Teaching\nIntended Audience\n\nFaculty\nGraduate Students\nOpen to the ɫֱ and King's community only URL:/dept/clt/events-news/Calendar%20of%20Events/2024/10/29/the_resilient_classroom_series__navigating_the_emotional_labour_of_teaching_.html UID:/dept/clt/events-news/Calendar%20of%20Events/2024/10/29/the_resilient_classroom_series__navigating_the_emotional_labour_of_teaching_/_jcr_content/contentPar/dcalfacultyevent.html END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR