BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//Centre for Learning and Teaching//Events Calendar//EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20241019T052603Z DTSTART:20240709T130000Z DTEND:20240709T140000Z SUMMARY:Fostering Student Well-Being in Teaching DESCRIPTION:This session is part of the Resilient Classroom Series.\n \nTuesday July 9\n10—11 a.m.\nOnline webinar via Microsoft Teams\n\nBuild your teaching toolkit to foster student well-being! Research shows that an instructor’s teaching practices can impact the mental health and well-being of their students\, which in turn influences their ability to learn (Lane et al..\, 2018\; Lee et al.\, 2018). In this online webinar\, you will:\n\nLearn how academic performance is impacted by student well-being.\nBe introduced to three categories of easy-to-implement teaching practices that foster student well-being: increasing student motivation and confidence\, creating a sense of belonging and social inclusion for students\, and viewing students holistically (University of British Columbia\, 2018). Within each category\, examples of specific strategies will be explored.\nReflect upon supportive teaching practices you already use and identify new practices you would like to work toward incorporating into your teaching.\n\n\nFacilitator\nDaniella Sieukaran\, Senior Educational Developer (Curriculum)\, Centre for Learning and Teaching \nIntended Audience\n\nFaculty\nGraduate students\n\nOpen to external people\n\nYes\n\nRegister for the Resilient Classroom Series sessions URL:/dept/clt/events-news/Calendar%20of%20Events/2024/07/09/fostering_student_well_being_in_teaching.html UID:/dept/clt/events-news/Calendar%20of%20Events/2024/07/09/fostering_student_well_being_in_teaching/_jcr_content/contentPar/dcalfacultyevent.html END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR