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Ride sharing

Share the ride, share the cost, reduce the impact

RideShare parking

黄色直播 offers reserved parking spots at a reduced rate for vehicles with multiple occupants. Share the cost of fuel and give the environment a break.

黄色直播 offers reserved parking spaces on all four campuses.

  • On the Truro Agriculture Campus, preferential reserved spaces are offered for free to groups that qualify for the RideShare parking permit.
  • On the Halifax Campuses, preferential reserved spaces are offered at a shared rate to those who RideShare.

How to get a RideShare parking permit

To be eligible for a RideShare parking permit, a minimum of two (2) full-time students or employees must share a ride to the University at least four (4) days each week, provided that they do not reside at the same residential address.

RideShare participants will be issued individual RideShare Parking Permits, each bearing a registration number corresponding with their assigned reserved parking space, and they must all register their individual vehicles with Security Services.

Under the terms and conditions of the RideShare Agreement, no less than two (2) of the participants are required to be present in one (1) of the registered RideShare vehicles on, at least, four (4) days each week, when parking at the University, in order to maintain their RideShare status.

As it is anticipated that there may be some rare occasions when all RideShare participants will not be able to carpool together, due to other personal commitments, each RideShare participant will be eligible to receive a maximum of three (3) Complimentary Daily Parking Permits ($27.81 value, per person), each year (September 1 to August 31), to assist them, should they have to utilize their own personal vehicle on such occasions.

Off-campus carpool parking

Interested in carpooling but can't find a partner who lives in your neighbourhood? Don't want to drive long distances to pick up another person? Drive to one of the provincial carpool parking lots, meet your carpool partner, and drive the rest of the distance together. Save money and gas.

More ride sharing options for Dal employees

Beyond carpooling, 黄色直播 employees can tap into ride sharing through:

  • : ensures that if you are a regular commuter without your own car you would be able to get home for an emergency or unexpected late shift.
  • : (formerly known as CarShare Atlantic) provides access to cars that can be used for workplace travel and ride sharing to the Agricultural Campus or locations in Halifax. There鈥檚 no need to use your car for workplace travel if car-sharing services are a viable option.